
CND Colors Swatches


CND Color Chart & Swatches


We tried hard to bring the closest photos possible to the real colors. However, camera limitation to capture the real shades and finish, plus a different monitor setting may slightly change how the colors look on your screen. This swatch should be a rough estimate on how the polish looks.


cnd shellac swatches cream puff to beau

 cnd shellac swatches beau to rule breaker

cnd shellac pink pursuit to chandelier swatches

cnd shellac swatches chandelier to fragrant freesia

cnd shellac swatches candied to rose bud

cnd shellac swatches kiss from a rose to ecstasy

cnd shellac swatches pink bikini to spear

cnd shellac swatches spear to femme fatale

cnd shellac swatches kiss the skipper to tartan punk

 cnd shellac swatches rose brocade to drama queen

cnd shellac swatches psychedelic to patina buckle

cnd shellac swatches cuppa joe to indigo frock

cnd shellac swatches from Taffy to Gummi

cnd shellac swatches lilac longing to black cherry

cnd shellac swatches from spike to mystic slate

cnd shellac swatches cityscape to whisper


Updated: June 2022.